Wednesday, June 15, 2011

my morning and mamónes

So we are back into the regular school routine.  I had a great time hanging out with the girls last week, but I'm happy to have my contemplative mornings back.  Time alone recharges me; I feel up to just about anything if I've had a couple of hours to myself.  A bit of writing, some correction for my night class, laundry, lunch--I wouldn't really want to spend my mornings any other way.  This morning solitude suits me perfectly and I know I'm lucky to have it.  

 When I was teaching full time we had to do team building workshops (possibly my least favorite thing about working full time).  One workshop leader explained that introversion needed to be overcome, and that extroversion was the only way to be a successful person and productive team member.  Despite his earnestness, I could not take him seriously after that.  I'm pretty sure you can't overcome introversion, and honestly I wouldn't want to.  When I think about it, that guy was so off the mark about what we needed as a team of teachers, that he possibly did more harm than good.  I am undoubtedly an introvert, but I'm a pretty good teacher and every team needs a quiet listener.   Solitude makes me sane and team building exercises make me peevish.

So here I am, easy in my solitude.  I'm enjoying the last of the mamónes that came in our Culantro Rojo basket.  A bit of writing, some correction, laundry, lunch...  This is my morning and it's pretty great.

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