Sunday, February 6, 2011

pickles on the grill

We often barbeque.  A meal of grilled meat, green salad and loaf of bread is a wonderful thing (a respectful nod to my Argentine in-laws who taught me everything I know about grilling!) .  Wash that down with big glasses of red wine and club soda and you have something like perfection!  It's the kind of eating that suits this climate. 

Last night, needing some inspiration, I took a look at Mark Bittman's list of grill recipes, and decided to give the grilled pickles a try.  I love anything pickley, and I was in the mood for doing something weird, but easy so...

I sliced five medium sized cucumbers lengthwise and grilled them quickly while the grill was hot (too hot for meat).  The cucumbers came off the grill with grill-marks on the cut side, and slightly charred on the peel side.

I chopped them roughly, but I think I'd go for a finer slice next time.

I put the pickles in a bowl with some course salt, white vinegar, and sugar to my taste (more salty and sour than sweet).

They were good, kid-friendly and simple.  I think they'd be better with some grilled pepper and onion (unfortunately, my kids won't eat onions and peppers).

Of course we didn't just have pickles for supper.  I grilled some steak, rolled chicken breast (also from Bittman's list) and chorizo.

The perfect end to a busy Saturday.  Everything was great, except the green salad.  I had added some truffle oil to the vinaigrette, and it turns out I don't like truffle oil.  So don't believe the hype about truffle oil; a few drops can ruin a perfectly good salad.

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