Sunday, June 24, 2012

5 observations and Delta Rae

  1. I'm tired; I haven't been sleeping well. Too much to think about and too much to do, and I'm not a great sleeper at the best of times. I feel negativity hanging over me like a cloud. It's incredible how not sleeping affects your mood.
  2. The interminable renovations are taking their toll. My girls and I are soooo sick of dudes in the house. It is not possible to strip down and lie on the cool floor after school, and this is cramping the style of some people I know.
  3. I'm running a decent amount, and I'm feeling pretty good. I'm running a 5K race next weekend, and then  I'm going to start a fairly intense training program for the half-marathon in October.
  4. I had a weird conversation with a co-worker this week. The kind of conversation that you just know, is the result of another conversation that she had with someone else earlier. It was about me, questions about how much I spend on clothes (of all things!) and speculation on the cost of things I've worn in the past. It was very surprising to discover that people noticed or cared. I don't pay that much attention to what other people are wearing, and as for my own clothes, I have certain vanity of course (I like pretty things as well as the next person) and I'm fussy about fabrics and comfortable fits. But seriously, my husband takes longer getting dressed in the morning than I do. I am shocked that I am the object of such gossip. It's weird, and it makes me uncomfortable.
  5. The kitten's cute, but still totally feral. I'm wondering if he's not too old to tame.

I discovered this song this week:


  1. Hi= we are here in Panama for the 'winter' at the very least..I'd love to help you with your remodel..I am a retired engineer and do-it-myself pro, as I have done LOTS at our homes in the US over the past...please contact me if I can help! (screaming for a good outlet for my talent/engery!)

    1. That is so kind of you! I'm not sure what I could get you to do (and I did think about it). We are basically suffering through the painters finishing (touch-ups around windows and doors) and the carpenters who are putting in new doors and closets. They are just about to start the last closet, so soon it will all be over.
